I just wrapped up a great, full weekend, which included witnessing TWO weddings!
Friday night, I went over to a friend's house for a delicious dinner and even better company. I shared salted fudge brownies.
Saturday, I went to a morning wedding at my home church then went across town to see my good friend Elizabeth, whose shower I recently helped to host, get married in the afternoon.
They both had beautiful programs. I save all of these for my mom because she collects invitations and programs.
Elizabeth and I are in the same sorority, and our sorority's shape is the quatrefoil. I got so excited when I saw quatrefoils on her cake, and I immediately sent my sister in law these pictures. She is also in our sorority and bakes cakes, so I knew she would love it!
It was wonderful to see Molly! We were determined to make this picture happen, so I'm glad she got it. It's only appropriate that at least one COHV married a COH boy. Elizabeth was a gorgeous bride and Hanna a beautiful bridesmaid.
This morning, we attended a post wedding brunch, and Elizabeth sent me home with some flowers. I wish I had taken more pictures of her flowers because they were SO beautiful, but I have arrangements to admire at home now!
I enjoyed the perfect weather on Sunday by reading outside. I finished The Ponder Heart and started Men Without Women.
What did you do this weekend? Any library book recommendations?
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