Last week, I wrote a little about my daily routine. I like to start my day with prayer and Bible study then a workout before tackling my to do list. I am so so so thankful that my body is healthy enough to exercise. This winter was the worst for sickness, and I missed working out when I was sick. It made me even more thankful for my overall health and each day that I get to work out.
Pure barre has truly changed my body, and I recommend to it anyone! I was a competitive cheerleader for many years, I've worked out in gyms (treadmill, elliptical, weight machines), run (5k--tough, I know), walked, done water aerobics, and even tried a crossfit type workout, and pure barre beats them ALL for me. I still like to mix it up, though. My body has been in its best shape the last few years, better even that when I was nineteen years old, jogged every day, and practiced seven hours a week as a college cheerleader. Motivation has a lot to do with that. I can't totally control my health, but I want to do what I can to stay healthy and offer my body as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). I'm thankful for each day that I'm able to exercise.
I am also thankful that I can afford to buy healthy food and that I have access to information to educate myself on how to eat healthy. I've been following a paleo diet for the last year--at times strictly, at times very, very loosely (what's a wedding diet?)--and I definitely feel my best when I eat paleo. I also just enjoy cooking and trying new recipes, and I'm thankful that I have time to cook these days.

Even in one of our marriage books, The Meaning of Marriage, I read about how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle. Staying healthy for my family is extra motivation, and I'm thankful that my fiancé supports my healthy lifestyle, even if we don't agree on which smoothie place is best ;)
How do you live a healthy lifestyle?
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