
Monday, June 22, 2015

Carolina Aero Club June 2015 fly in


We enjoyed a fly in at our home airport a couple of weekends ago. There was a crowd there and several airplanes flew in. My uncle made barbecue chicken and lots of other good food! 

There was a flyover by a Cherokee. 

We visited our planes. It's tough to fly in when it's at your home airport. 

The most exciting thing we saw was this Quest Kodiak. Zack did a great job modeling the plane. 

Actually, our friend Ben and his two children came to the fly in (not pictured). Holding his new baby was the most exciting part for me! 

I think this was a Cub flying over. 

It was neat to see how short the Kodiak took off, especially for such a big plane. 

We enjoyed visiting with my grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousin, old friends, and new friends. 

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