
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

bridal portraits with Dan

This is the end of the bridal portraits, promise. Several people asked me along the way if Dan would be in the wedding. The wedding packet for the church says that animals aren't allowed to be there, and everything on our wedding day took place at the church. I decided the best time for Dan to get involved would be during bridal portraits. 

Zack's dad took the responsibility of watching Dan and bringing him to the second location where we took pictures. That was so generous of him, and he was an awesome handler! 

Dan has been my best pal since before Zack and I were dating, and he's been by my side as I've spent countless hours at the computer planning the wedding. He's right beside me while I type this post. 

He loves Zack almost as much as he loves me, which is exactly how it should be. 

I'm so thankful that Zack loves me AND my dog. I'm also thankful for this woman's best friend! 

all photos by Krista Joy Photography

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